


Ken Prins
Executive Director: His Precious Ones Ministry

Born into a Christian household, he received Christ at a young age. And as a teenager was very involved with his local Baptist Church. Where he participated in young peoples and Christian Service Brigades programs. In college Ken went to Centennial College in Toronto, Ontario where he received a Recreation Leadership Diploma and then went on to Sheridan College in Oakville Ontario where he graduated with his Educational Assistant Certificate. Over the past 30 years Ken has worked with many organizations working with Special Needs. He has worked in Christian Horizons group homes, Kerry’s Place Autism Services  and has spent the last 25 years as an Educational Assistant working in a Catholic High School working with special needs teenagers. Ken also has provide numerous individuals and parents with respite care over the past 30 years. Ken has been also involved with coaching soccer for local Special Olympics program for the past few years. Ken is married to his beautiful wife Tisha and they have a teenage son who has autism.

Ken has not only worked with Special Needs individuals but is a parent of a child who has autism. In the past Ken developed a special needs Sunday school class. Assisted in one on two care during church with a young autistic child during Sunday morning services. Assisted with developing a sensory room for a church to help special needs with in the church that may need a place during programs and services. Development of a one to one bible study for a young adult within his church. Worked as a one to one leader with different Christian summer camps. Currently Ken has been developing Bible Studies and other Christian educational materials for individuals with Special Needs for use by local churches and is busy working and developing His Precious Ones Ministry supporting churches in the area of Special Needs with in their local church and communities.

Contact Ken to discuss an opportunity to work together!